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What's in the box?

The contents in the box are designed to be a surprise.

Each box will contain a minimum of four items. We aim to exceed value and make it your money's worth.

Our boxes are limited edition, and only a limited number of them will be available, so it's first come, first served.

For example, we may offer luxury and fast fashion in one drop.

Our boxes are all curated.

Can I customise my mystery box?

We do not accept customisation requests. Our boxes are limited editions with a thematic approach.

What are limited edition hauls?

Limited edition hauls are Spreesums thematic boxes. We only offer mystery boxes on a limited edition basis, so we can have 100 or 1000 available during a live drop.

Are the items real?

Spreesum does not engage in the sale of counterfeit products. Selling counterfeit items is illegal. All our products are brand new and come in their original packaging.

Can I return my box?

Sure! If you don't like it, then you can return it. However, we do not accept returns on beauty items or items whose original packaging has been removed. We do not accept damaged goods. Our return policy is 14 days. Spreesum does not accept liability for lost return packages.

Delivery details

Once ordered we aim to deliver your box within 7-10 working days for United kingdom customers.

International shipping is 14-21 days. Contact us more for information. customs and duties info.